Wholesale Handbags Present High Fashion At Low Prices


The one who dies with the most purses wins, right? So goes the old cartoon anyway! Just as many women love to “collect” and amass tons of shoes (remember Imelda Marcos?) other women are destined to accumulate and stockpile purses and handbags. Luckily for these women, there are wholesale handbags on the market that will allow them to get the look they want for a price they can afford, without spending an arm, leg, or their entire college tuition in the process! After all, with the price of some designer bags, you can either buy the purse or feed a third world country for a month, right?

Finding Wholesale Handbags

When searching for wholesale handbags, it is important to remember that you still want to buy the “real” thing or at least a quality replica of the same. There are many, many, many knockoff handbags on the market, and be advised that many of these are counterfeit – and therefore, illegal. Suffice it to say that if you see the latest Coach or Prada handbag on a wholesale handbag site claiming to be genuine, but the price tag reads like a bag you’d find at your local big box retailer – then it’s a counterfeit bag. You’re not going to buy a real Prada handbag for fifty bucks. But you can find wholesale handbags from leading designers if you know where to look. If you can’t find the indisputable brand name bag at a price that suits your fancy, then your next best bet is a designer inspired bag, not a knockoff. Remember, รับจำนำกระเป๋าแบรนด์เนม you don’t want to go to jail for your love of fashion! Be wary of companies doing business from overseas who are offering you these authentic bags at a discount price (sometimes as low as ten dollars a bag). They’re more than likely phony. Here’s how not to get ripped off:

When searching for wholesale bags, know the bag that you’re looking for. If it’s a popular style, you’ll be able to find lots of pictures of it online. Learn the details of the bag. For instance, when buying a Coach bag, look to see that the two “Cs” on the bag’s pattern are touching and that the pattern lines up on any pockets on the front or back. A genuine Coach bag will also have a serial number that can be found inside the purse on a square patch of leather.

Pay attention to quality. Phony or fake bags will not be stitched as well as designer originals. The stitching may look sloppy. The stitches will be the same length, and none of them will be stitched over. There will be no loose strings.